A 44 year old male presented after a C5/6 fusion. On MRI he was found to have a subadjacent disc herniation. Dr. Pashman treated the patient with a Prestige Artificial Disc.
Case Review:
Prestige Artificial Disc for subadjacent degeneration at C6/7
Patient History:
44 year old male
Previous fusion C5-6, three years prior with physician in his area.
Increasing neck and shoulder pain.MRI shows a severe subjacent degeneration disk herniation at C6-7 with bilateral neural foraminal extension.
The patient also has significant cord effacement at C6-7.
Indications for Surgery:
Status post anterior cervical diskectomy and fusion at C5-6.
Now with subadjacent C6-7 disk herniation and spinal cord compression.
Degenerative disk disease, C6-7.
Bilateral myeloradiculopathy, C6-7.
Failed conservative therapy.
Surgical Strategy:
Radical diskectomy with spinal cord decompression atC6-7, under the microscope, from a left-handed approach.
Bilateral neural foraminotomy at C6-7.
Bilateral subtotal vertebrectomy at C6, with removal of mass of uncal vertebral osteophyte inferiorly, superiorly, and anteriorly, constituting one-third of vertebra.
Removal of retained hardware at C5-6.
Placement of Prestige Disc at C6-7 measuring 7×18 mm, with four screw fixation.
Intraoperative fluoroscopy.
Intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials.
Post-Op Films:
The patient is doing very well. No significant neck or arm pain following surgery.